1041 RFQ - Cedar Lake Bridge Repairs and Improvements #12869
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 3/1/23 10:00am |
Company & Contacts
Notice is hereby given that the City of Biloxi, Mississippi, will receive sealed proposals at the Mayor’s Office, City Hall, Second Floor, until 10:00 A.M. on the 1st day of March, 2023, for the following:
The City of Biloxi will accept Statements of Qualifications & Experience from qualified firms for a Planning and Environmental Study to be approved by MEMA/FEMA to develop alternatives for the Cedar Lake Bridge, including but not limited to repair, replacement, or relocation and to include the identification of existing and future problems associated with each alternative. This study will include data collection, traffic analysis, safety analysis, environmental and planning analysis, conceptual traffic engineering, development and design (to determine constructability), planning level cost estimates, state and federal agency coordination and stakeholder outreach. This environmental study portion of this study is required to meet National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) standards.
This project is funding through a Department of Homeland Security FY202 l Building Resilience Infrastructure in Communities (BRIC) Grant. A copy of the grant is available to view at www.biloxiplans.com
Qualified firms must have experience in developing Planning and Environmental Studies and be familiar with the FEMA/MEMA regulations, mitigation procedures, reimbursement requirements, and have a proven track record of providing these services.
Proposal documents are available at www.biloxiplans.com At this site proposals can be viewed for no charge or physically purchased. All plan holders are required to have a valid email address for registration. Purchased proposal documents are non-refundable and must be purchased through the website. Questions regarding website registration and online orders please contact web support at (662) 407-0193.
A view only copy of the proposal document is also available at the City of Biloxi Engineering Department, which is located at 214 A Delauney Street, Biloxi, Mississippi (the Public Works Building), (228) 435-6269 or City of Biloxi Purchasing Office, City Hall, first floor, 140 Lameuse Street, Biloxi, Mississippi (228) 435- 6252.
All addenda will be issued through biloxiplans.com only to those proposers on the bidders list. Proposers can be placed on the bidders list only through acquiring this proposal through the biloxiplans.com website. City employees are not able to add companies to the bidders list.
All inquiries regarding this RFQ must be in writing either by email or mail to: Christy LeBatard, P.E., City Engineer, P.O. Box 429, Biloxi, MS 39533, Ph: 228-435-6269. Email: engineering@biloxi.ms.us. Please reference the project name and number in the subject line of the email.
All questions regarding this RFQ must be received by 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 20, 2023. No questions requiring an addendum will be answered after this date.
Firms or individuals proposing to furnish professional services should submit a statement of their qualifications, experience, and capacity for performance. A selection committee will rank the proposals received by criteria described below:
• Qualifications – 40%
Technical competence of staff and principals
Familiarity with FEMA and MEMA Interaction and Compliance Experience Proximity to project location
• Experience – 25%
Previous experience with similar projects
Experience with similar work completed in the last 5 years
Past performance including timelines, cost parameters, and construction phase projects
• Capacity for Performance – 20%
Ability to perform in a timely fashion and within budget
Personnel resources, company infrastructure, availability of qualified staff to implement the project
• Project Understanding/Approach – 15%
Firms will be evaluated and ranked according to the above criteria. The City will negotiate compensation with the highest ranked firm for the proposed project, which includes federal funding.
Provisions of this RFP and the contents of the successful responses are considered available for inclusion in the final contractual obligations. A written contract will be awarded to the firm whose proposal is determined by the committee to be most advantageous to the City, cost and other factors considered. The contract will include scope and extent of work and other essential requirements.
If proposer elects to submit hard copy proposals, 5 copies shall be submitted. Hard copy proposals shall be delivered to the Mayor’s Office, Second Floor, City Hall Building, 140 Lameuse Street, Biloxi, Mississippi, 39530. Proposers have the option of submitting their bids sealed in an envelope or through the City’s Electronic Bid Submission Link at www.biloxiplans.com
Proposals should be sealed and properly labeled as CEDAR LAKE BRIDGE PROJECT NO. 1041 and the envelope should list Company Name, Address and all applicable state and local license numbers.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the proposal accepted. The Cityof Biloxi is an equal opportunity employer.
Published by the order of the Municipal Clerk, this the 30th day of January, 2023.
Publish Twice:
February 8, 2023 and February 15, 2023